Monday, September 27, 2010

Your after midnight Caffeine Fix: Salt Lake Coffee Break- Downtown SLC

Whether its 7am or 1am you I can send out a 2 word text “coffee break?” and people are down to meet up (if they’re not already there.) Open late (2am) this place won a spot in my heart if for no other reason than that often it is the only place to go. The crowd is very diverse here, and there is plenty of room between the patio, the front room tables and the backroom couches to gather a few friends to catch up, study, or play games. It’s pretty much all about the hours and chill factor, cuz other than that they aren’t really delivering.
  1. Don’t expect much out of your coffee. NEVER order an espresso unless you know the barista knows what she’s doing (yes always she)
  2. Be careful where you park! See the nifty parking map at the counter.
  3. Be prepared for the owner’s stare down. I don’t know what the deal is with that guy but he sure packs a lot of attitude for no reason. When Kyle and I walked in the back door he stared us down the whole walk to the counter and that was a mild interaction. Brace yourself.
  4. If you don’t like cigg smoke avoid the patio. It’s just a fact.
  5. Brush off the attitude you might get at the counter. For whatever reason it comes complimentary. (our last trip someone actually said UGH and made a face when we ordered the hummus plate) and taking it up with the owner is probably not going to end well.

I included some pictures of our hummus plate. The serving was very generous with a splash of olive oil. Half the pitas were sooo tough we couldn’t eat them. See the picture where Kyle in all his burly strength can’t rip one in half. I’ve never ordered food here before so perhaps it’s a fluke. I got an almond latte and Kyle got a mocha. They weren’t bad. I could taste the sub par burnt flavor of espresso in my latte and the chocolate in Kyle’s mocha was a very well hidden Hershey’s syrup. The house hibiscus tea is excellent though; it’s a good choice if you find yourself here! So basically due to its awesome space, location and hours Coffee Break has an effective monopoly on those of us who like to get a caffeine after midnight. Take it or leave it cuz it’s your only option!

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